Lots of people go to the beach to watch the sunset. I'm not close to the ocean so I go to the nearest wildlife refuge. I have discovered the best light sometimes happens many minutes after the sun has set, especially if there are clouds. In this particular shot it was about 10 minutes after the sun had set and the clouds in the foreground were almost as dark as the tree in the immediate foreground.
But behind it were these lucious hot pink clouds still being illuminated buy the last rays of the setting sun and in the fold of the clouds the purple blues of shadows.
Storms are great for spectacular cloud displays and tonight was no exception. I love it when the tops of the clouds are pink and the bottoms a lovely azure blue. Reminds me of this ice cream they used to serve at a local ice cream parlor...it was Cotton Candy and it was pink and blue and tasted just like Cotton Candy

Storms are great for spectacular cloud displays and tonight was no exception. I love it when the tops of the clouds are pink and the bottoms a lovely azure blue. Reminds me of this ice cream they used to serve at a local ice cream parlor...it was Cotton Candy and it was pink and blue and tasted just like Cotton Candy